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Reiki Principles
Just for today -
I will not worry
I will not be angry
I will do my work honestly
I will give thanks for my many blessings
I will be kind to my neighbors and all living things
“Dr. Mikao Usui”
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The above picture is an aura video of a Reiki session. See how the energy
flowing from the hands of the practitioner photographs as light. Click on
the photo to see other Reiki aura images.
What is Reiki?
is not a religion, doctrine, creed or contradiction to any of these. No matter
where the person may be at a certain point in their life, Reiki will
harmonize with their philosophical viewpoint. Reiki is easily learned,
simple to use, and beneficial for all. It is one of many forms of healing with
Chi. Chi is the term used by the Chinese mystics
and martial artists for the underlying energy the Universe is made of. Since
the word Reiki
means Universal Life Force Energy, it refers to the Chi
energy and not the specific techniques taught by Reiki Masters. The
techniques are more properly called the
Usui System of Natural Healing
after the founder of the system,
Mikao Usui.
The implication of both Quantum Physics and ancient Metaphysics is that the
universe is made of energy, which can be shaped and manipulated by thought, by
intention. Mystics and scientists in all cultures have talked about the
physical universe being made of an underlying simpler form, much as modern
physics research is now coming to understand the Universe is made of energy
which is subject to (or affected by) thought. Mystics say not only is this
underlying form affected by thought, but we create our own reality from our
thinking and the thoughts we share between us every day.
is simply the process of converting the energy, chi, which surrounds us
into healing energy, by thought or intention and of channeling that
energy to and through the Reiki practitioner into and through our client.
A practitioner who is attuned to Reiki is permanently linked to that
energy through both prayer and intent.
Reiki healing is simply performed. The practitioner places his or her
hands upon the person to be healed, with the intent of opening as a channel for
healing to occur, and the energy begins flowing. The practitioner does not have
to direct Reiki to a specific area of the body. He/she simply opens as a
channel for the Reiki energy. The Reiki energy knows where to go
and what to do once it gets there. It channels through the healer exactly that
amount of energy, which the recipient needs to exactly the right place. All this
happens without direct conscious intervention by the healer. The practitioner’s
job is to get out of the way, to keep the healing space open, and to
watch/listen for signs of what to do next.
is a tool for use at any moment, any time anywhere for on-the-spot stress
release, pain relief and quick energy. No special environment or equipment is
required, and age makes no difference. Reiki attunement by a Master
opens the channel for the flow of Reiki energy.
can be practiced anytime, anywhere, on anyone, or anything; a sick friend,
babies, a child’s boo boo, a pet, healing bones, water or food, crystals or
stones, to promote harmony in your garden or house or work, or to soothe the
dying. You can use any one position or combination of positions. Reiki energy
always goes where it is supposed to, without being directed. The Reiki
practitioner is the channel for that energy. Reiki is a gateway shining pure
love into the universe. It is this love, which allows us to transcend our wounds
and help us remember our true nature.
cannot hurt anyone, and can only be used for good. It builds, protects, and
vitalizes all forms of life…plants, animals, fish, fowl, and human…from infants
to old age. Reiki does not conflict with other forms of health care and only
enhances their results. It does not interfere with traditional medicine, but it
facilitates benefits. It speeds the healing process and provides a restoration
of energy while one is ill, under medical treatment or in recovery.
Some other
forms of healing using Chi energy forces are Chi Gong, Pranic
Healing, Chelation Therapy, and Polarity Balancing.
All use the same energy, with the difference being techniques of application and
an energy quality known as vibration. (The term vibration is
widely used to refer to the range in experience between the dense or
low vibration of the physical world and the high vibration of the
highest spiritual expression.)