Get an Immediate Tarot Reading for only $2.00 per minute!
Types of Psychic Readings Faye Johnston Offers
With meditation and prayer as a preparation, Faye uses these techniques, separately and together, to give you the insight and guidance that you need. Remember that all the answers are inside of you, and what Faye does is validate and empower you to find the solution and the motivation to deal with your past, present and future situations. Faye will never tell you what to do. Her job is to confirm what you already feel and to tell you how she sees the situation, and she is extremely accurate at pinpointing those issues which are affecting you. She can see what has happened behind you, in the present moment and in the near future. What she sees is like a blueprint of probable outcome as the situation looks right now. Your choices and time may change that outcome. She can help you see clearly enough to make your choices wisely.
Modes for Psychic Readings Faye offers you a variety of choices for receiving your reading.
ð Tapes available for $5 upon request. (shipping included) ð Ask Faye to call you back. She has a phone plan with unlimited long distance.
Great Price for Readings Readings are only $2.00 per minute. Free 5 minute tarot reading for 1st time callers. Call Faye and get an immediate reading! 210 602-3996 All Major credit cards accepted.
Faye Johnston • Enchantment Jewels • San Antonio, Texas • USA • 210 602-3996 Email: fjohnton@yahoo.com
FayeJohnston.com Copyright © 2004-2005. Faye Johnston. All rights reserved Last Updated January 2, 2016 |