The only way of finding the limits of the possible is by
going beyond them into the impossible.
--Arthur C. Clarke
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Basic Energy
Knowing these basic energy concepts will help you to energize yourself and
others at any moment. Whenever you are feeling drained or without energy,
try any or all of these exercises. They will instantly rejuvenate and
energize. These concepts, based on ancient teachings, were taken from Kam
Yuen's book, Instant Healing.
- Energy flows in circles. When the circuitry is
intact, energy flows freely and reinforces itself. When it is non-circular it
dissipates. Have someone muscle test your arm as you make small circles.
Even mentally thinking about circles instead of lines will test strong.
Pushing out or pulling in from the body over the head causes energy to be
dissipated. Any two fingered pointing strengthens weaknesses, and mental
focus on the midline of the body strengthens any weaknesses.
- Strength is Effortless. “In nature, water and
air move effortlessly to create great energy and power. You can function best
by allowing your mind and body to emulate the effortless of nature. True
success comes from relaxation. Tension makes you less sensitive and more
closed. You can open your physical and creative energies by allowing your
mind and body to use less effort rather than more, and repetition of this
effortlessness makes your life easier because it reprograms your mind.
- Stand with your toes in, and your body tests strong.
Stand with toes out, and your body tests weak. When you walk, point your toes
slightly in, for strength and energy.
- The tongue on the roof of the mouth reconnects the
main energy circuitry for the energy to circulate, and your energy and
strength return. Try standing with your toes turned out with the tongue
on the roof of the mouth. It will test strong even though the toes are turned
out. So you can correct the weak response by simply touching the tongue to
the roof of the mouth.
- Place one hand vertically along the midline of the
body, and you’ll test strong even if your toes are out. Just thinking
about your body’s midline will do the same thing. Thinking of your midline
centers and strengthens you.
- Standing erect strengthens you as opposed to leaning
either back or forward, left or right.
- Balance is achieved when the body is in correct
alignment. Muscle test the right side of the body in relation to the left
by simply thinking about it. If it tests strong, no correction is needed.
Look at the body and check for tilt to left or right or rotation to back or
front. Balance corrections may be applied to the central nervous system along
the midline of the body from behind.
- General looseness and relaxation in the body improves
the relaxation and creativeness of the mind. Tai Chi, Quigong, and Kung
Fu emphasize relaxed, supple, loose, circular movements which integrate mind
and body.
Check out Muscle Testing