You have noticed that everything an Indian
does is in a circle, and that is because the Power of the World always works
in circles, and everything tries to be round..... The Sky is round, and I have
heard that the earth is round like a ball, and so are all the stars. The wind,
in its greatest power, whirls. Birds make their nest in circles, for theirs is
the same religion as ours....
Even the seasons form a great circle in their changing, and always come
back again to where they were. The life of a man is a circle from childhood to
childhood, and so it is in everything where power moves.
Black Elk
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Getting to Know
Your Chakras
The word Chakra is a Sanskrit word meaning
wheel or disk. Described as a wheel-like spinning vortex, a Chakra is a
minor or major energy center. The seven major Chakras are located up the
central meridian of the body, as can be seen in the picture below. There are
also hundreds of minor charkas located throughout the body. Each of the
Chakras is tuned to a certain point within the body and is a link to
achieving a higher vibration of the entire system. If any one of these are
"blocked" for any reason (and there are many reasons), only partial clearing
will be accomplished, if at all.
A full Reiki treatment is a centering and
balancing of these many Chakras. Achieving a higher vibration of one's
system is important in that such a vibration elevation will move one to the
"next level" of achievement of the inner spirit while in the earthly body,
aligning and moving the spirit closer to The Creator - to be in "oneness"
with The Creator.

Seventh Chakra or Crown chakra is located at the top
of the head. It externalizes as the pineal gland and
governs the upper brain and right eye. Through this
chakra one may ultimately reach the feeling of
integration with God. Its color is seen as violet or
sometimes the combination of all colors: white
light. |
Sixth Chakra or third eye is located in the center
of the forehead. It externalizes as the pituitary
gland, governing the lower brain and nervous system,
the ears, nose and the left eye, the eye of
personality. Through this center we consider our
spiritual nature. It is seen as the color indigo - a
vibrant combination of red and blue. |
Fifth Chakra or throat area externalizes as the
thyroid gland, and governs the lungs, vocal cords,
bronchial apparatus, and metabolism. The center of
expression, communication and judgment. It is seen
as the color blue. |
Fourth Chakra is the heart, it externalizes as the
thymus gland governing the heart, blood, and
circulatory system and influences the immune and
endocrine systems. This is the center through which
we love. It is the color green. |
Third Chakra, the seat of the will, is located in
the solar plexus externalizing as the pancreas,
governs the action of the spleen, gall bladder, and
aspects of the nervous system. It is the
clearinghouse for emotional sensitivities and issues
of personal power. It is the color yellow. |
Second Chakra, the seat of the emotions, is located
in the sexual organs, stomach, intestines (ovaries
in women and testes in men) and is the chakra of
creativity. It governs attitudes in relationships,
sex, and reproduction. It is the color orange. |
First Chakra, the base or root is located at the
base of the spine and is defined as that chakra that
governs understanding of the physical dimension. It
is the energy center through which one experiences
fight or flight. Externalizing as the adrenal gland,
governs the kidneys and the spinal column. It is
red. |

Tune Your Chakras

Our chakras need tuning
as much as a piano. When we are feeling emotionally or energetically out of
balance, a simple chakra attunement may be all we need to feel balanced
again. The wonderful thing about chakra balancing is that you can do it in
just a few minutes, anywhere, anytime.
So many things push our
chakras out of balance; an argument, an illness, stress, pain, anxiety. As
humans, we are pretty flexible, but sometimes our chakras go in opposite
directions or stop spinning in a circle. Just a simple Chakra Balance will
pull you back to center. Try this when you have had a stressful day at
work, are sick or are feeling low energy! It will perk you right up!
- Starting with your
left hand about three inches from the root chakra, move your hand in
small approximately 6 or 7 inch diameter counterclockwise circles
(counterclockwise when you are looking down at your own body, or, if it
is easier to remember, up and around toward your right arm, making a
full circle with the chakra as the center). Scribe about 5 or 6 slow
circles around the chakra. This action deprograms your chakra.
- About three inches
above the chakra, take your right hand and make small circles going the
opposite direction ( up and around toward your left arm) 5 or 6 times.
This reprograms the chakra into balance. That is all there is to it.
- Now repeat steps 1
and 2 over each of the chakras. Remember that the crown chakra
attunement is done over the top of the head. For your information,
the crown chakra on a man naturally goes in a counterclockwise
direction, and the crown chakra on a woman naturally goes in a clockwise
direction. So, to deprogram a man’s crown chakra you must move your
hand first in a clockwise direction and then, with the other hand, move
your hand in a counterclockwise direction to reprogram. All of a
woman’s chakras naturally move clockwise. So, on a woman, you deprogram
counterclockwise and reprogram clockwise.
- You may want to
check the flow of your chakras by using a pendulum. If you have time,
check the direction and spatial movements of your chakras before and
after attunement. You will be amazed. Hold a pendulum about an inch to
three inches over each chakra. Watch the movement carefully. An out of
tune chakra may barely be moving or may be moving backwards or
elliptically or in a straight line. When you finish attunement, the
chakra should be moving in a clockwise circle. If not, repeat the
entire procedure.
This chakra balancing
technique is from Donna Eden’s book, Energy Medicine. For more
information on fine tuning the chakras, check Barbara Brennan,s book,
Hands of Light. I cannot say enough good things about these two books.
Eden’s book is like an energetic user’s guide to the body