“Instant Healing”, an Energy Technique Taken from The Power of Instant Healing by Dr. Kam Yuen and Marnie Greenburg Once in awhile, I run upon a technique that is so powerful that I cannot ignore it. Such is the case with Dr. Kam Yuen’s “Instant Healing Technique.” It is so like Reiki, and it can be incorporated into Reiki treatments or attunements. Yet, it is definitely a separate approach. Dr. Yuen blends Eastern and Western techniques to provide a system so maddeningly simple that it is simply astounding. Just in my own limited and untrained use, I have seen muscles relax instantly, emotions subside instantly, pain be alleviated instantly, and you don’t even have to physically touch the body. It is a technique that can be used by anyone, anytime, anywhere. It is not a cure all, but it is definitely a valuable tool for wellness.
In Reiki, you have learned to channel energy for healing with an intention that the energy be directed where it is needed. “Instant Healing” is an energy technique developed by Kam Yuen, a chiropractor and 32nd Degree Quigong Master. It is based on the idea we can learn to specifically direct energy to correct and strengthen ourselves. “Instant Healing” teaches that you can learn to mentally sense changes in energy by using muscle testing, and that with practice, you can identify the root causes of illness or injury, and, by doing so, correct them. In other words, you can learn to identify and correct the cause of pain, illness or injury.
Physical healing, from Dr. Yuen’s perspective, comes from altering the influences that your central nervous system, subconscious mind, conscious mind and soul level have on your body. All pain has a neurological origin and is transferred to physical sites. In other words, pain always comes from some other location than where we experience it. It is transmitted by the nerves from another location. If you can find the origin and eliminate the pain, healing or recovery begins to take place. No pain is purely physical in origin.
Dr. Yuen teaches that anything and everything can be the foundation for illness, pain, anguish. He teaches to pinpoint weakness by muscle testing and to change them by making corrections. These causes can be physical, mental, emotional, psychological or psychic, in this life or in past lives. Using his list of causes, you can search down the actual cause and go right to the root for healing. His system works on the idea that, if you can pinpoint the exact cause, you can create a cure by sending energy to that cause and correcting it. Even if you don’t believe in the pin pointed cause, healing can occur, and healing occurs faster when a person is in a relaxed state of mind and body.
Not only is it possible to alleviate symptoms but the underlying phobias, fears, tensions, negative expectations and other reasons for the weakness can be alleviated as well. Dr. Yuen says that his system can achieve instant results because it deals with limitless concepts. It envelops the entire spectrum of causes, imaginable and unimaginable. “Instant Healing is based of running down the cause of the weakness, whatever it may be and whether or not you believe in it.
Dr. Yuen says, “Healing is a process of accessing the causes of imbalance, instability and off-centeredness and returning the body, mind and spirit to a state of homeostasis. Healing is blocked when a person thinks too much and does not allow himself to feel. Health is a balance of life energy, illustrated in the applications of Yin and Yang. The Universe and your life are in constant change; every component of your mind and soul, down to the quantum particles, are in a state of continuous flux. When that energy is balanced, you are healthy and normal.”
Instant Healing is based on understanding energy and its flow. It helps you pinpoint the exact reason for any setback and correct them. You can carry this healing beyond the physical body to attract love, prosperity, friendship, or career. Contact Dr. Yuen or buy his books at his website. Other Kam Yuen Links: Full Spectrum Healing by Dr. Kam Yuen Dr. Kam Yuen's Chinese Energetic Medicine ![]()
Faye Johnston • Enchantment Jewels • Austin, Texas • USA • Phone: 512 326-3101 • Email: fjohnton@yahoo.com FayeJohnston.com Copyright © 2004-2005. Faye Johnston. All rights reserved Last Updated January 13, 2005 Website design by Blue Wave Web Design